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14 marketing ideas for your restaurant

06 September 2024
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Marketing is an essential lever for developing your restaurant. 

A good marketing strategy attracts new customers, increases sales and builds customer loyalty. 

But when you're a restaurateur, it's not always easy to know what marketing actions to take.

Where to start? How do you find the time to look after them? How do you go about it when you know nothing about it?

Rest assured, marketing your restaurant isn't that complicated.

The ABCs of restaurant marketing

Here are 14 easy-to-implement ideas to promote your establishment without needing a marketing degree!

1. Create and promote an attractive loyalty program

This is the basis for building customer loyalty and yet few restaurateurs have ever taken the plunge. Set up a loyalty program that allows your customers to earn points or euros with every order they place in your establishment. Offer rewards such as a free product or a discount to be unlocked as points are accumulated.

And, to avoid the old-fashioned and impractical stamped loyalty card, opt for a dematerialized loyalty program. Registered in the smartphone wallet, the digital loyalty card allows you to consult your account at any time and identify yourself easily for each new order.

2. Exploiting social networks

You don't have to be a digital pro to promote your restaurant on social networks. Start by choosing the channel or channels you want to use first. For a restaurant, Facebook and Instagram are the most appropriate: appropriate target, easy-to-use media, possibility of advertising. If you don't feel up to running 2 different pages, then concentrate on just one.

Try to publish content regularly (ideally 2-3 times a week): broadcast your menu, take appetizing photos of your dishes, show the preparation in the kitchen, film the setting of your restaurant. A smartphone is all you need to produce content for social networks. If you don't feel comfortable or don't have the time, entrust these tasks to a young employee motivated by this mission.

Create your restaurant's Instagram page

3. Collect customer reviews

Reviews are essential for "taking the temperature", identifying areas for improvement and avoiding customer frustration.

Of course, there are the classic platforms for customer reviews, such as TripAdvisor, La Fourchette, Google and Facebook. But did you know that there are other ways of collect your customers' opinions ? Take advantage of visits to your establishment to collect reviews. For example, you can automate notice collection following an order (online or on-site) in your restaurant.

Are your customers satisfied? Take the opportunity to ask them to share their positive review on Google! It's a great way to improve your restaurant's rating and stand out in search results. This is what the pros call Local SEO.

4. Launch special offers

Promotional offers aren't just for websites and clothing boutiques! You too can come up with special offers to attract customers or encourage them to add dishes to their order.

The Happy Hour principle has already proved its worth in bars and brasseries. But the possibilities are endless when it comes to offering your customers special deals: in addition to the specially-priced lunch menu, you can offer the chef's dessert at a reduced price, the cocktail of the moment at half price, free coffee with a full menu...

"Some fast food chains, often fast food franchises, offer special days to create repeat business. Identify the day on which you have fewer customers, then identify your star product. Then, we advise you to create an event in its own right: Tuesdays with a free cookie, -20% on a menu..."
Expert advice

5. Offer prepaid cards

Looking for a simple solution to keep your customers coming back? Get the reflex Prepaid card. By proposing this alternative means of paymentYou offer the possibility of crediting a dematerialized card stored on the customer's smartphone. This card can then be used for any order placed in your establishment, from click & collect to home delivery, Self ordering kioskQR Code payment or even payment at the cash desk. As a result, they'll be more likely to think of your establishment for their next restaurant meal.

6. Fine-tuning your Google My Business page

Take the time to update the information on your Google My Business page. It's an essential reference point for Internet users and a great way to attract customers. Check opening times and days (and remember to update them for your annual vacations!). Publish attractive photos of your establishment and encourage your loyal customers to leave reviews.

"Responding to the customer reviews you receive is essential. Whether positive or negative, make it a habit to include key words in your responses. A special offer, a star product, ... it's up to you."
Expert advice

7. Collect customer data

Don't lose any more information about your customers by recording their contact details and consumption habits in a database. This method will enable you to better personalize your welcome You'll also be able to offer an adapted order path if you offer online services. What's more, you'll have valuable data at your fingertips, enabling you to analyze your business performance and make the right decisions.

With a qualified databaseyou'll be able to create customer segments to tailor your marketing actions. Choose criteria that are relevant to your business, such as the amount spent, frequency of visits, date of last visit, etc.

Collect data in your customer database

8. Invest in advertising and influencers

For boost your visibility in your catchment area, you can test geographically-targeted online advertising campaigns: it's very easy to set up on social networks like Facebook and Instagram via the Meta advertising platform. You can also collaborate with local influencers by inviting them to dine for free in exchange for a publication or story about your establishment. Contact influencers whose audience matches your restaurant's target audience.

9. Rely on marketing automation

Some customers haven't been back in a while? Others are loyal and deserve a reward? 

With marketing automation, you can schedule the sending of SMS or email marketing campaigns based on pre-determined triggers. You don't have to think about anything - it's all done automatically! Use your database segmentation to send personalized messages based on your customers' preferences and behavior.

10. Surf the news and events

It's nothing new, but it always works. Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Christmas, Easter: prepare a annual calendar of events you plan for each party. Organize special menus, issue invitations and surprise your customers with themed evenings. Set up a stand at neighborhood or city events, and showcase your cuisine.

"Don't hesitate to get in touch with retailers' associations or your local town hall to make sure you're not missing out on a great opportunity."
Expert advice

11. Offer a multilingual menu

Forget about printed menus translated into several languages! With the digital menuYou'll get a smooth user experience and fewer translation errors. Thanks to Artificial Intelligence, your menu is automatically translated in the languages of your choice, making it easier for you to attract international customers.

12. Boost average basket with automatic suggestions

Rely on technology, not just your staff, to make suggestions when ordering. With the digital control on your smartphone or control terminal, you can program automatic suggestions to increase the average basket. 

13. Setting up cashback

Build customer loyalty by offering accumulate euros on every order placed in your store. For example, you could offer €5 cashback for every purchase over €50. In this way, you encourage your customers to return to your establishment to spend their cashback. You can opt for a digital solution such as the one proposed by Obypay to offer this benefit in your restaurant.

14. Rely on local partners for cross-promotions

Look around your restaurant and identify partners Potential partners: hotels, wine merchants, florists, cinemas, leisure centers, tourist offices, sports clubs (if you offer healthy food!). Set up cross-promotions to send customers to your partners and receive their business in return. If your restaurant is located in an office zone, don't hesitate to push open doors to let local businesses discover your establishment.

Launch your marketing campaigns with Obypay

As you can see, it's not difficult to launch marketing campaigns to promote your restaurant. 

Choose from these 14 marketing ideas the ones you feel best suit your needs and available time. By combining these actions with excellent service and quality cuisine, you'll be able to increase your visibility and stand out from your competitors. 

Take advantage of personalized support and customized advice by taking make an appointment with one of our experts in restaurant digitalization.

The future belongs to those who are based on marketing

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