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Catering: everything you need to know about QR codes

August 23, 2024
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QR codes are everywhere: on food packaging, billboards, product labels... A simple scan and you're transported to a video, an interview, an advert or a special offer. 

Faced with this avalanche of uses, it's easy to get lost and wonder whether these little black and white squares have any real interest left in them.

But the answer is yes, absolutely!

In the foodservice sector, QR codes are more than just a gadget. They offer real advantages for improving the customer experience and operational efficiency. In this article, we show you how QR Codes can add real value to your restaurant, improving both the efficiency of your service and the satisfaction of your customers. 

And a bonusWe'll show you how to integrate them into your business in just 5 simple steps!

What is a QR Code?

QR Codes have become an indispensable tool in many sectors, and the food service industry is no exception. But what exactly are QR Codes, and how do they work? 

Definition and operation

QR Codes, or quick response codesQR Codes are two-dimensional barcodes containing information that can be read by a camera or a QR Code reader application. When a customer scans a QR Code displayed in the restaurant, they are redirected to a web page or application containing the restaurant's menu. This method provides instant, contactless access to the menu, improving service efficiency and hygiene.

History and development

For the record, QR codes were invented in 1994 in Japan by Denso Wave to track parts on production lines. They have become popular in a variety of sectors thanks to their ability to store and transmit information rapidly. 

Their adoption in the foodservice sector began with applications such as promotions and product information. However, the COVID-19 pandemic increased their use for health safety reasons, enabling restaurants to reduce physical contact and offer more hygienic solutions.

The benefits of QR codes for restaurateurs

The adoption of QR Codes in the restaurant sector offers a multitude of benefits for restaurateurs. 

Beyond their innovative aspect, these codes bring significant improvements in terms of operational efficiency, flexibility, customer commitment and hygiene. 

And that's not all: they also cut costs and collect valuable data. 

All in a small square. How about that?

1/ Improving operational efficiency

Order via QR Code

By integrating direct ordering via QR Codescustomers can not only consult the menuThey can also place their orders without waiting for a waiter. They can browse beverage, dessert and additional dish options at any time, increasing the average basket, speeding up the ordering process and reducing staff workload. 

This autonomy improves service efficiency, reducing delays and optimizing the customer experience.

Would you like to keep order-taking by a waiter? It's possible! 

QR codes can also lead to an advisory menu, enabling customers to prepare their order before the waiter arrives. This saves time and makes service smoother. 

Customers can leisurely peruse a beautifully displayed menu with photos, detailed descriptions and allergen information, enhancing their overall experience and making them ready to order as soon as the waiter arrives.

Payment via QR Code

QR codes can also incorporate payment solutions. Customers can pay their bill directly from their phone, simplifying the payment process and reducing waiting time for the bill to close. This contributes to a faster table rotationincreasing your company's revenues.

Addition calculation with possibility of division

Another advantage of QR Code menus is the ability to automatically calculate the bill and divide it between several people. This feature, directly connected to your point-of-sales softwaremakes it much easier to manage group payments, reducing errors and potential conflicts when sharing the bill. (No more calculator on the phone to divide the bottle of wine by 6 and the desserts by 4!) 

Once again, the table is closed more quickly, optimizing rotation and service efficiency.

Tip harvesting

Integrated payment solutions via QR Code also make it easier to collect tips. Customers can add a tip directly at checkout, often with predefined suggestions, which can increase the total amount of tips collected and boost your teams' satisfaction.

(and if you think it's an anecdotal benefit, we invite you to read this articleit could make a big difference to your team turnover).

Flexibility and instant updates

The flexibility of QR Codes is a major advantage for restaurateurs. You can update your menu in real time. 

Whether it's adding a new dish, removing an out-of-stock product or adjusting prices according to the season, everything can be done instantly, offering great flexibility in managing your offer. 

(No more "ah sorry, we're out of stock").

Engagement and marketing

QR codes offer excellent opportunities to increase the reach of your marketing campaigns: 

Promotions and special offers : You can integrate promotions or special offers directly into your QR Code menu. This encourages customers to explore your entire menu and take advantage of exclusive discounts or benefits.

Loyalty program : Customers simply identify themselves with their e-mail address and are immediately recognized when they place their order via QR Code. A real plus for keeping your customers coming back! 

➜ Harvestingcustomer reviews : Use QR Codes to facilitate the collection of customer opinions and feedback. At the end of a meal, offer them the chance to scan a QR Code (on the table or next to the till) to leave a quick and easy review, improving your online reputation.

Improved hygiene

Hygiene is a top priority for restaurants, and QR Codes help meet this requirement. By eliminating the need for physical menus to be passed from hand to hand, you reduce contact points and the risk of disease transmission, contributing to a cleaner environment for both your customers and your staff.

Lower printing and paper costs

Printing and paper costs can quickly add up. By opting for QR Codes, you can reduce these costs considerably. You no longer need to reprint menus or brochures every time there's an update, especially for multi-site establishments or with a seasonal card. 

This means significant savings and a reduction in the environmental impact of your business.

Data collection and analysis

QR codes also offer the possibility of collecting and analyzing valuable data:

➜ Customer preferences : You can track which dishes are the most popular, which promotions are the most effective, and adjust your offer accordingly.

➜ Purchasing behavior : Visit collected data give you a better understanding of your customers' buying habits, which can help you optimize your marketing strategies.

Key points to remember

✔ Operational efficiency : Faster ordering and payment

✔ Flexibility : Instant menu and offer updates

✔ Commitment : Interactive and promotional marketing opportunities

✔ Savings : Significant savings on printing and paper.

✔ Analysis : Gathering and analyzing data to better understand your customers

In short, by integrating QR Codes into your establishment, you can not only improve the efficiency and flexibility of your operations, but also offer a more engaging experience for your customers, while optimizing your costs and leveraging data for better management.

In a restaurant, a waiter carries a tray and brings an order to the table.

The benefits of QR codes for customers

If QR codes are good for you and your teams, they're also good for your customers.

With a simple scan, your customers have instant access to the information they need, customize their orders to their liking, and enjoy fast, hassle-free service.

Ease of use

QR Codes simplify access to your restaurant's menu and services. With a simple scan, customers can access the menu without having to download a specific application. 

Most modern phones integrate QR Code readers directly into their camera applications. 

Digital menus are designed to be clear and easy to navigate, making the user experience fluid and intuitive.

Information accessibility

Visit QR Codes menus offer fast, comprehensive access to the information you need for an optimal experience. Each dish can be accompanied by a photo that highlights the dish and a detailed description, including ingredients and allergen information. Real-time updates allow customers to see the latest menu changes, such as daily specials or changes in availability. 

What's more, menus can be available in several languages, making the experience accessible to international customers.

Interaction and personalization

QR Codes enable richer interaction and greater personalization of orders. Customers can easily customize their dishes according to their preferences, such as choosing the cooking level or adding and removing specific ingredients. What's more, they can sort the menu by dish type, diet or other personal preferences.

We've talked about it briefly, but another major advantage is the integration of loyalty programs. 

Using QR Codes, customers can quickly identify themselves with their e-mail address and be instantly recognized. This enables them to take advantage of personalized rewards and special promotions based on their habits and preferences. 

This simplified loyalty system makes the customer experience more rewarding and encourages repeat visits, because customers appreciate feeling valued and rewarded for their loyalty.


QR Codes save time on several levels, making the customer experience more efficient. Customers can consult the menu and place their order immediately, without waiting for a waiter to be available, thus reducing waiting time. Direct payment options integrated with QR Codes also make checkout quick and easy. 

With orders and payments processed faster, customers spend less time waiting and more time enjoying their meal, contributing to a smooth and pleasant experience.

Key points to remember

✔ Ease of use: Instant menu access without application download

✔ Information accessibility : Detailed dish descriptions with ingredients and allergens, updated in real time

✔ Multilingual menu : Menus available in several languages for international customers

✔ Interaction and personalization : Customize dishes, sort menus by preference, integrate loyalty programs

✔ Time saving : Faster ordering and payment, less waiting time, smoother, more pleasant customer experience

In short, integrating QR Codes into your restaurant considerably enriches your customers' experience. They benefit from fast, simple operation, easy access to information, personalized ordering and hassle-free checkout. By offering this service, you improve customer satisfaction and give them even more reasons to come back and enjoy your establishment.

How do you set up a QR Code menu in your restaurant?

Now that we've whetted your appetite with all the benefits of QR codes, you may be wondering whether they're just as attractive to implement. 

Difficult to install? Complicated for customers? Really suited to a traditional restaurant

No need to panic! With the right solution, everything can be set up quickly and easily. 

Follow our step-by-step guide to transforming your service and delivering the best digital experience to your customers.

Step 1: Choose the solution best suited to your needs

The first step is to select a QR Code solution that meets your specific needs. Make sure the solution you choose offers all the features you need. 

We've put together a rundown of the most important features that will add real value to your service: 

✔ Customization and real-time updates : You need to be able to easily add and modify dishes, descriptions, prices and images. It's essential to be able to adjust the menu in real time according to availability and seasonality, at no extra cost.

✔ Payment integration : Let your customers pay their bill directly from their phone. This simplifies the payment process and reduces waiting time.

✔ Multilingual options : Offer your menu in several languages to welcome international customers.

✔ Managing promotions and special offers : Integrate promotions, discounts and special offers directly into the QR Code menu to encourage sales and grab customers' attention.

✔ Integrated loyalty program : Recognize and reward your regular customers with loyalty program features. It's a great way to build loyalty and keep your customers happy.

✔ Support and technical assistance : The little extra that makes all the difference in the middle of a service - we're not telling you anything. Choose a solution that offers good customer service and reliable technical support. 

Step 2: Create your digital menu

Gather information about your dishes

Start by gathering all the necessary information about your dishes. This includes dish names, descriptions, ingredients, allergen information, customization options and prices. The more complete the information, the better for your customers.

Add images and detailed descriptions

Attractive images and enticing descriptions can really bring your menu to life. Take high-quality photos of your dishes so your customers can see what to expect. 

A good photo can make all the difference and whet the appetite at first glance! 

Don't forget to add detailed, appetizing descriptions that highlight the ingredients, flavors and special features of each dish. This will help your customers make their choice and feel more satisfied with their selection. 

"Need a photographer to enhance your card? We can also accompany you and provide you with our expertise on this subject."
Support from Obypay

Step 3: Generate and print your QR Codes

Print QR codes on a variety of media

Once your digital menu is ready, you can easily generate the corresponding QR codes from your supplier's platform.

Print these QR codes on a variety of media, such as flyers, posters, stickers or even placemats. 

Make sure they're prominently displayed and easily accessible to your customers.

"Glass coasters, placemats, menu holders ... Various QR Code media exist, and our team can help you select the most suitable for your establishment."
Obypay's little plus

(Optional) Integrate QR Codes into your physical menus

If you want to keep your menus physical, you can integrate QR codes into them. This offers a digital alternative to customers who still prefer to consult a paper menu, while giving them the option of scanning for additional information or to place their order.

Step 4: Train your staff

Make sure your staff are well trained to explain to customers how to use QR Codes. Organize training sessions to cover how to use QR Code menus, manage orders and payments via this method. 

Provide written resources for your teams to refer to when needed.

Step 5: Promote the use of QR Codes to your customers

Inform customers at entrances and tables

Let your customers know that you offer QR Code menus as soon as they arrive. On tables, place small explanatory cards or stands that explain the benefits of QR Codes and how to use them. You can also use posters or flyers to guide your customers step-by-step on how to scan QR Codes with their phones.

"A little visual nudge and a few simple instructions can make all the difference in ensuring quick and easy adoption of this new technology by your customers."
Expert advice

(Optional) Offer incentives

To encourage QR Code adoption, offer incentives such as a free dessert or drink. These little touches can motivate customers to try out this new option. 

How? Through gamification of the customer experience; integrate fun, interactive elements into your QR Code menu, such as challenges or mini-games where customers can earn immediate rewards. 

We invite you to discover this feature at our teams.

Step 6: Monitor and optimize QR Code use

Collect customer feedback

Encourage your customers to give their opinion on the use of QR Code menus. Their feedback can help you identify areas for improvement and better meet their expectations.

Analyze usage data

Use the analysis tools provided to track orders, customer preferences and trends. This data will enable you to adjust your menu and offers according to customers' needs and expectations. your customers' preferences.

Make regular adjustments

Based on customer feedback and data analysis, make adjustments to improve the user experience and maximize the benefits of QR Codes. This may include menu modifications, price adjustments, or the addition of new features. Also make adjustments to where you place your QR Codes. 

"An atypical but effective recommendation: some restaurants place QR codes in WCs to collect customer reviews. It's a place where customers potentially have a few seconds to spare. A simple and clever way to stay in touch with your customers! "
Atypical expert advice
On the terrace of a restaurant, friends toast before starting to eat their meals.

Implementing QR Code menus in your restaurant is not only quick and easy, it also delivers extremely effective results.

In just a few easy steps, you can create an attractive and informative digital menu. With a simple scan, your customers can view the menu, place orders and pay directly from their phone. This process not only enhances the customer experience, but also saves your team a great deal of time and organization.

In times of staff shortages, this technology becomes even more valuable. It enables you to maintain quality service with fewer resources, making your operations smoother and more efficient. 

Adopting QR Codes means modernizing your service while optimizing your day-to-day operations.

Want more?

And just as well, because that's what we specialize in.

Check out our other great articles and tips on the subject: 

You manage a franchise network ? This article is for you ➜  Restaurant chains: how can I keep my menu up to date?

Want to know more about creating the QR Code menu? ➜ How do I create a QR Code menu for my restaurant?

More QR Code benefits? We've got that too! ➜ What are the advantages of digital menus in the restaurant business?

And best of all, we have a great team available to advise and support you ➜ This is where it all happens!

The future belongs to those who digitalize their facilities (especially at our side)

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