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Digital loyalty program: the ecological alternative to paper cards

August 12, 2024

We have 7 loyalty cardson average, in our portfolio. 

Compact, discreet and practical, they promise discounts and gifts, but magically disappear and reappear in crumbs at the bottom of the washing machine (don't deny it, we know).

Massive deforestation, excessive water consumption, CO₂ production & waste crisis... Seemingly harmless, these little cards hide a lot of environmental baggage.

What is the real impact of cardboard loyalty cards on the planet? What eco-friendly alternatives are available to retailers? We tell you all about it!

The ecological weight of cardboard loyalty cards

Cardboard loyalty cards have a considerable environmental impact. Their manufacture uses significant natural resources, notably paper from massive deforestation. 

"The manufacture of a single paper card consumes 1 to 2 liters of water, 30 chemicals, and emits 1 gram of CO₂ (carbon dioxide). So the environmental impact is quite significant, especially as at least 80% of these distributed cards end up in the garbage can or are lost after an average of 4 days."
Rémi Goutarel Sustainable development engineer & co-founder of Glibl

In addition to deforestation, the production of these cards emits several thousand kilos of CO₂ per year, not to mention the carbon dioxide that the trees would have been able to absorb had they remained in place. This deforestation contributes not only to the increase in greenhouse gases, but also to the loss of natural habitats and the disappearance of many plant and animal species.

Logs stacked on a deforestation site. Freshly cut logs are lined up in rows, bearing witness to the recent felling of a forest. The background shows a bare expanse of land, strewn with stumps and branches left by the logging machines.

Another major problem is the consumption of water to manufacture these cards; 1 to 2 liters per card, as explained by Rémi Goutarel.

We don't have exact figures for the annual production of cardboard cards in France. So we made a little calculation, on the corner of a napkin, between the main course and dessert.

In 2024, if the 214,000 French restaurants were to print 1,000 loyalty cards each, that would be equivalent to 214 million liters of water. The equivalent of leaving a water tap running continuously for 8 years. And that's just for restaurants. 

One might be tempted to say that this production isn't so bad if the use is largely profitable. Here again, the results hurt.

The double whammy of cardboard cards: Bulky and polluting

If the effects stopped at the production stage, the situation would already be worrying. But cardboard loyalty cards continue to take a heavy toll on the environment long after they've been printed. 

Cardboard loyalty cards, often forgotten or lost, end up being thrown away, contributing to the increase in solid waste. These cards, while seemingly harmless individually, add up to a considerable amount of waste. In fact, over 80% of the cards distributed end up in the garbage can or are lost within four days of distribution. This rapid cycle of production and rejection aggravates the waste crisis we're already experiencing.

The waste generated by loyalty cards is not limited to visible materials. When they end up in landfill, they contribute to the production of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, if not properly recycled. 

Now that we all have the end of the world in mind, when all we wanted to do was enjoy the burger offered in our Fast Food If you prefer, we can give you the good news. Loyalty or ecology, you no longer have to choose.

Digital loyalty: the ecological alternative for zero-waste loyalty

Fortunately, there is now a more sustainable solution: the digital loyalty card. By adopting this solution, you can both reduce your carbon footprint and enhance the customer experience. We've listed 5 (not insignificant!) advantages of going digital.

Why adopt digital loyalty cards?

1/ Saving natural resources

By reducing the need for paper and ink, digital loyalty cards help limit deforestation and water consumption associated with paper production.

2/ Reducing CO₂ emissions

Less paper card production means fewer CO₂ emissions. What's more, digital cards reduce transport and distribution requirements, further lowering the carbon footprint of loyalty programs.

3/ Waste reduction

Unlike cardboard cards, digital loyalty cards generate no physical waste. They are stored on phones or accessed via apps, eliminating the need to produce and manage physical cards.

4/ Convenience & accessibility

Digital cards are always at hand on users' smartphones. They can't be lost or forgotten, improving customer engagement and long-term loyalty. What's more, updates and promotions can be easily integrated, giving merchants greater flexibility.

"Promote your loyalty program within your establishment and encourage your customers to register their digital loyalty card directly in their phone's Wallet. This will give your customers quick access to the loyalty card and, above all, ensure they always have it in their possession (okay, provided there's battery power left on their phone)."
Expert advice

5/ Follow-up and personalization

Digital loyalty programs enable retailers to better understand their customers' habits and preferences through data analysis. 

Don't forget that the loyalty card is connected to the customer account of each of your visitors. You'll be able to accumulate valuable data and enrich your CRM on every visit.

This data can be used for marketing campaignsbut also to anticipate peak consumption periods.

This paves the way for personalized offers and more targeted communicationimproving the customer experience and increasing satisfaction.

(Bonus!) Savings for restaurateurs

Costs associated with printing and distributing physical cards are eliminated. What's more, loyalty program management can be centralized and automated, reducing administrative and operational costs.

(Bonus!) Conflict management

A forgotten order, a cooking problem... An operational error can quickly happen in service. When faced with an unhappy customer, it's essential to react quickly and effectively to avoid losing loyalty. The digital loyalty card offers a practical solution; activate an exceptional discount on the customer's loyalty card; 10% discount, the value of the missing product... The choice is yours! 

In this way, you show customers that you take their satisfaction seriously by using a simple method that greatly simplifies your after-sales management.

Long-term ecological & economic benefits

Adopting a digital loyalty card is both ecological and economical. In the long term, this transition contributes to reducing waste, preserving natural resources and cutting greenhouse gas emissions. 

As a restaurateur, you also benefit from improved management of loyalty programs and a stronger relationship with your customers. through more direct and interactive communication.

Want to know more? We've got just what you need

We give you 7 more (very good!) reasons to say goodbye to stamping cards right here.

Would you like to see how the transition works in practice? Read about our customer Auguste & Ferdinand.

Why don't we just talk about it? See you back here!

The future belongs to those who offer a loyalty program (especially at our side)

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