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Click & Collect: benefits for your restaurant

26 June 2024
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-Excuse me, how long before it's ready? I have a meeting in 10 minutes".

-Hello, is it possible to place an order for 12 people in 15 minutes?

Every restaurateur who has heard one of these phrases knows that the whole organization of the service has just become more complicated.

So how do you avoid orders that put in the juice ? Click & Collect is the solution.

If Click & Collect exploded during the health crisis - 41% of online shoppers used Click and Collect in 2021 - this is far from a passing trend. 

The restaurant industry has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, at every level. Click & Collect, a service that enables customers to order online and collect their meals directly from the restaurant, has been able to fully integrate with this transformation and the new needs of consumers.

We tell you all about this solution, which offers many advantages for customers and restaurateurs alike.

What is Click & Collect?

Click & Collect, or online ordering with in-store pick-upis a service that allows customers to place their order via a website or mobile app, and then collect it directly from the store. 

Customers can consult the menu, place their order, pay online and choose the time they wish to collect their meal without having to wait. 

This method combines the convenience of online ordering with the speed of in-person collectionThis avoids delivery delays and the associated additional costs.

3 benefits of Click & Collect for your restaurant

1) Increase your sales

By attracting new customers

Visit Click & Collect allows you to reach new customers with a focus on convenience and speed. Today's busy consumers, with their hectic schedules and long days, appreciate the ability to order in advance and pick up their meals without waiting. While we often think of young professionals, this market segment also includes families and students, all looking for practical options in their daily lives. 

By offering a Click & Collect service, expand your potential customer baseYou'll be able to attract customers who might otherwise turn to your competitors offering similar solutions.

By building loyalty among your existing customers

Click & Collect isn't just about attracting new customers; it also plays a crucial role in building loyalty among your existing customers. 

By offering this service, you provide your regular customers with a fast, convenient alternative for ordering their favorite dishes. This flexibility will be particularly appreciated by customers who already trust the quality of your products and services.

By increasing the average shopping basket

Click & Collect customers tend to place larger orders. When they can browse the menu at their own pace, without the pressure of time or queuing, they're more likely to explore all your offers and add additional items to their order.

Thanks to the product push function, you can offer your customers additional products at every stage of their shopping experience. For example, when a customer selects a main course, you can automatically suggest side dishes, beverages or desserts to complete the meal, thus increasing the average ticket per order. (on average +30% at Obypay!)

By reducing delivery costs

With a service of Click & CollectYou also avoid the costs associated with delivery, such as the fees for delivery platforms or the costs of managing your own delivery fleet. These direct savings translate into an increase in the profit margin on each order.

2) Improve the customer experience

Reducing waiting times

Customers don't have to wait in line to place their order and then wait for their meal to be prepared. Everything is ready in advance, which considerably reduces waiting time. 

By guaranteeing fast service, you meet customers' time-saving expectations, which increases their satisfaction and loyalty.

Reducing order errors

Click & Collect systems reduce the risk of ordering errors that can occur when taking orders over the phone or in person. Customers enter their orders themselves, minimizing the risk of miscommunication or misunderstanding. 

Fewer errors mean happier customers, fewer returns and complaints, and more satisfied customers. positive impact on your restaurant's reputation.

Facilitating access to information

Customers benefit from pleasant, intuitive user interface. A good browsing experience, with well-organized menus, detailed descriptions of dishes, and quality images, can improve their perception of your restaurant. Customers have access to a wealth of detailed information on the products available, including recipes, ingredient lists, and potential allergens. This not only enhances their shopping experience, but also shows that the establishment accommodates dietary preferences and restrictions. What's more, this clarity of information helps to reduce the risk of errors and misunderstandings, thus ensuring smoother, more personalized service. 

Click and Collect pizza orders

3) Save time and organization during service

Anticipating preparations

With Click & Collect, orders are placed in advance, enabling the kitchen to better plan and organize meal preparation. Team members can manage their time and resources more efficiently, by preparing certain dishes in advance or grouping similar preparations. This helps prevent stress peaks during rush hoursClick & Collect can be integrated seamlessly throughout the service, without compromising the quality of service for customers in the dining room. Click & Collect can thus be seamlessly integrated throughout the service, without compromising service quality for customers in the dining room.

Simplifying inventory management

With a regular flow of orders online, it's easier to monitor stock levels and forecast ingredient requirements. By knowing the volume of orders in advance, the restaurant can adjust its purchases, reducing food waste and optimizing the use of ingredients. This contributes not only to service efficiency, but also to the restaurant's overall profitability.

By enabling real-time monitoring and adjustment

Directly integrated with cash register software, the Click & Collect system provides real-time data on the number of orders, customer preferences and pick-up times. This information enables managers to adjust staff and resources according to immediate needs, ensuring optimal responsiveness and adaptability during service.

Are you interested in integrating Click & Collect into your business, but still have questions?

Don't worry, we're here to advise you every step of the way. 

Whether you have questions about technical implementation, financial benefits, or workflow optimization, our experts are ready to provide you with clear, detailed answers. 

We understand that every restaurant has unique needs, which is why we're committed to finding the right solution. a tailor-made solution adapted to your needs.

the future belongs to those who start early (and optimize their time!)

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