Tabletop ordering Fast Food Food Court QR Code menu Payment at table Digital foodservice solutions

Click & Serve: how to make ordering easier at the table?

09 September 2024
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It's rush hour, the room is full, waiters are running around, and yet some tables are still waiting to order.  

What if you could lighten the load, without sacrificing quality of service? That's where Click & Serve comes in.

With a simple QR Code to scan, your customers order directly from their table, at their own pace, while your team focuses on what it does best: delivering an impeccable experience. 

In a word: you'll be able to breathe a sigh of relief, and your service will be smoother, faster and, above all, more profitable.

What is Click & Serve?

How does it work?

Visit Click & Serve is based on a simple but effective technology: each table is equipped with a QR Code that customers can scan with their phone. 

This QR Code redirects to a digital menu where they can choose their dishes, customize their orders and even pay directly online. Orders are then automatically forwarded to the kitchen, reducing the number of intermediaries and optimizing the flow of service. 

The process is intuitive and fast, offering a seamless customer experience from start to finish.

Is it really suitable for my type of establishment?

Click & Serve can be adapted to a wide variety of establishments, whether you're the owner of a food courta karaokea brasserieor a fast-food chain

For example, the fast food benefit from better customer flow management, while more upscale establishments can offer a more discreet and refined service. 

Even for bars and cafésThis system enables customers to order independently, especially during busy periods. 

In short: if your aim is to improve service efficiency and the customer experience, this is the system for you.

In a restaurant, a customer scans a QR code with her phone to consult the menu and order dishes. The QR code is placed in the center of the table, surrounded by several dishes and cocktails.

10 reasons to adopt QR Code ordering in your business

In an increasingly competitive sector, adopting digital solutions like Click & Serve can really make a difference. 

You don't believe us?

Here are 10 reasons why this solution is a valuable asset for your business.

1/ Reduced waiting times

One of the main frustrations of restaurant customers is the long wait before they can place their order. With order by QR codeThis waiting time is now a thing of the past, as customers can order as soon as they are ready, without having to wait for an available waiter.

2/ Productivity gains for staff

Waiters spend less time taking orders manually, so they can concentrate on greeting customers and serving food. This optimizes human resources management, particularly at a time of staff shortages.

3/ Better table rotation

Thanks to the speed of the service, customers are served faster and leave their table sooner. This increases the number of services per day, improving the profitability of the establishment.

4/ An up-to-date menu

The menu can be updated in real time, whether to remove an out-of-stock dish or add a new suggestion. This allows great flexibility in menu management.

And here's a little bonus: the update is done automatically according to your point-of-sales software. Light-heartedness, here we come! 

Do you manage a franchise network? This article will interest you ➜ Restaurant chains: how can I keep my menu up to date?

5/ A higher average ticket

QR Code ordering systems can display suggestions for complementary products or offer instant promotions, which can encourage customers to spend more.

6/ A real difference during peak periods

At peak times, QR Code orders make for smoother service, enabling us to handle a greater volume of customers without requiring more staff.

Your customers will no longer wait to order".the little sister" ... !

7/ Reduced human error

Orders placed by QR Code arrive directly in the kitchen, eliminating transmission errors between the waiter and the kitchen. Fewer errors mean greater customer satisfaction.

8/ Real-time data analysis

Thanks to this system, and by combining it with a loyalty programyou can collect valuable data on your customers' ordering habits. This enables you to better adapt your offer and implement targeted marketing strategies.

9/ Easy access for international customers

With the ability to offer multiple languages on the digital menu, foreign customers can easily navigate your menu, enriching their experience and making ordering much easier.

10/ A commitment to the environment

By opting for a paperless system, you reduce the use of paper menus, thus contributing to an ecological gesture while saving money. 

Is the ecological impact of your establishment a subject close to your heart? We invite you to discover this article ➜ Digital loyalty program: the ecological alternative to paper cards

By adopting the Click & ServeYou'll modernize your establishment while offering an enriched, faster customer experience. It's an innovative way to improve customer satisfaction while optimizing your restaurant's internal management.


Restaurant full at lunchtime

How do you set up table service in your restaurant?

Set up a table order by QR Code in your restaurant is a simple process, but it requires a few key steps to ensure success. 

Here's how it works:

1/ Choose the solution best suited to your needs and constraints

Compare the different QR Code ordering solutions available on the market. Find the one that best suits your type of restaurant and your specific needs (integration with your cash register softwarecustomization options, responsive technical support, etc.).

2/ Digitizing your menu

Create an attractive, easy-to-navigate digital menu. Include detailed dish descriptions, quality photos and the ability to customize orders. And don't forget to update the menu regularly to reflect product availability and seasonality. This digital menu will be connected to your cash register software, which is why the first point is so important!

3/ Print and install QR Codes

Generate and print QR codes, then place them strategically on tables, coasters or even the walls of your establishment. Make sure they're clearly visible and easy to scan.

4/ Train your teams

Although the system is automated, your team needs to be able to explain how it works to customers and answer their questions. Initial training is essential to ensure a smooth transition.

5/ Promote this new product to your customers

Let your customers know that you now offer QR Code ordering. Use your social networks, your website, as well as physical posters in your restaurant to highlight this new service. Even simpler, ask your staff to welcome your customers and mention that they can order via QR code.

6/ Monitor feedback and adjust the solution

Analyze customer feedback and usage data to continually adjust and improve your service.

Don't miss out: we've put together a complete guide to implementing QR codes. Catering: everything you need to know about QR codes

Want to revolutionize your room service?

With Click & Serve, you transform your service: less waiting, more efficiency and satisfied customers. 

Whether you're a small establishment or a large chain, the benefits of QR Code ordering are within your reach.

Any questions?
Don't worry, we're here to guide you!

Explore our other resources to find out more:
How do I create a QR Code menu for my restaurant?
What are the advantages of digital menus in the restaurant business?
How do I configure a menu for several locations?

The future belongs to those who simplify their service (especially at our side)

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