Franchise Loyalty program

Franchising: maximize the success of your restaurant network with a multi-brand loyalty card

July 12, 2024
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Introduction to the Multi-Store Loyalty Card

Loyalty programs play a key role in the restaurant sector, and in franchise networks in particular: they enable restaurants to stand out in an increasingly competitive market. 

By offering exclusive benefits, loyalty cards encourage customers to return, increasing their loyalty and commitment to the establishments.

With loyalty programs, you can not only offer special deals based on your customers' profiles, but also maintain their loyalty over time.

Rapidly evolving technologies have led to the digitization of loyalty programs, making loyalty cards more accessible and easier to use. For franchise networksThese digital tools provide invaluable data on purchasing behavior, facilitating the implementation of more targeted marketing strategies.

By integrating these elements, restaurant chains can not only build customer loyalty, but also attract new customers.

Understanding the Impact of Loyalty for a Franchise Network

Advantages for the franchise network

Digital loyalty cards expansion the market. Indeed, loyalty programs using physical cards have declined, from 63% in 2015 to 55% in 2019.

The multi-brand digital loyalty card offers several advantages. It helps boost sales: customers, motivated by the accumulation of points and the possibility of receiving rewards, become more loyal and are more motivated to visit the franchise network's various outlets on a regular basis.

What's more, the multi-brand loyalty card collects valuable data every time your customers visit one of your establishments. This data is then uploaded to the national database of the franchise network. This information enables us to better understand preferences by sales outlet, refine marketing strategies and improve the experience throughout the network.

Customer benefits

Having a multi-brand digital loyalty card not only means you don't have to weigh down your wallet, but it's always close at hand. And in the event of expiry or loss, everything is stored. digitally.

What's more, this solution meet your needs and desires. With each use, the store collects more information about the customer, which can then be shared throughout the franchise network. This enables personalized offers and promotions to be tailored to individual preferences and habits, regardless of the outlet visited.

Strategies for implementing a Multi-Store Card

Choice of Card Type

There are various card options, such as traditional loyalty cards in plastic or cardboard, digital cards via mobile applications, or those that combine both formats. In all cases, the digitalization of the multi-brand loyalty card allows for much more targeted marketing actions and a more personalized welcome in each establishment of your franchise network.

Effective Promotion and Communication

Promoting the loyalty program to existing customers is essential to its success. Customers need to be informed of the benefits of the program and encouraged to sign up. There are various communication strategies that can be used to achieve this (using social networks, flyers, posters in each restaurant, etc.).

If you offer a digital loyalty card, you can even encourage customers to create their loyalty account by scanning a QR Code on the restaurant table or during the order on a interactive terminal.

Employee training plays an important role in promoting the program. The more enthusiastic and knowledgeable they are, the more effectively they can encourage customers to sign up.

Registration and Loyalty Card Management

With Obypay, the process of creating your multi-brand loyalty card is both simple and fast. Customers can register in just a few minutes directly in a restaurant via a dedicated terminal, enabling them to start collecting loyalty points straight after registration.

You can easily personalize offers and communicate directly with customers thanks to integrated tools.

Franchise loyalty program

Engaging and retaining customers

Creating Commitment

To engage customers from the moment they sign up, it's essential to offer attractive welcome rewards. Offering immediate discounts, bonus points or exclusive gifts encourages new registrants to use their loyalty card quickly, and to discover the benefits of the program.

Using Targeted Rewards

With a multi-brand loyalty card, you'll know your customers inside out, so now's the time to offer them targeted offers: discounts on their favorite dishes, bonus points during off-peak periods, or exclusive offers for birthdays.

You can offer your customers the chance to earn € with every purchase, and accumulate them in their digital kitty to spend later in any of the establishments in your franchise network.

Examples of loyalty-building activities

  • Seasonal promotions Offer special discounts during holidays such as Christmas, Valentine's Day or Halloween.
  • Competition and prize draw : Set up regular contests, such as a draw to win a free dinner and/or bonus points.
  • Member events Organize exclusive events for loyalty program members, such as previews of new dishes or private tastings.

Technology and Digital Loyalty

Benefits of digital loyalty cards

For customers, it provides practical No need to carry several physical cards, everything is accessible via an online interface. For restaurateurs, management is simplified thanks to a transaction monitoring and customer preferences. The multi-store card enables information to be collected continuously across the entire franchise network and aggregated into a single centralized database.

Integrated and Innovative Solutions

Mobile applications and online platforms make it possible to track loyalty points in real time, personalize offers and communicate directly with customers.

By offering digital services, franchise chains can stay connected to their customers. This makes it possible to maintain a link with customers, from promote offers and special increase loyalty.

More and more restaurant chains are opting to digitalize their loyalty programs.

If you're in charge of a franchise network and need customized advice, call on our franchise digitalization experts. They will guide you step-by-step in setting up your multi-brand loyalty card.

the future belongs to those who start early in innovation!

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