What are the advantages of digital menus in the restaurant business?

10 January 2022

Why offer a digital menu in your restaurant?

In the wake of the health crisis, consumers have changed their shopping habits: they are buying more and more online.

The a tremendous opportunity for restaurants to go digital. They can take advantage of all the benefits of technology to modernize and improve their performance. The development of Click and Collect has enabled both customers and restaurateurs to familiarize themselves with online menu consultation and order taking. The digital menu is now gradually making its way onto restaurant tables to offer a new customer experience.

What is a digital menu?

A digital menu is a restaurant menu offered online: it can be consulted from a smartphone or tablet. after scanning a QR Code laid out on the table. 

It allows customers of a café, bar or restaurant to consult the menu of dishes and drinks. without having to wait for a server

More and more restaurateurs have realized the benefits of offering a QR code menu and have abandoned the printed menu.

Why implement a digital menu in your restaurant?

The digital menu isn't just a page on your website, accessible from a web browser. QR Code. It's much more than that!

You'll see that this new digital tool not only enables your customers to consult the menu online, but also offers numerous advantages for restaurateurs.

Here are 7 good reasons to switch to the digital menu:

#1 Increase customer satisfaction

Thanks to the digital menu, your customers no longer have to wait to consult the menu. By simply scanning your QR code, they can access the online menu and discover your menu through beautiful photos that showcase your expertise. 

But that's not all!

It also guarantees a better user experience for your customers They no longer need to download a pdf or zoom in to see dish details.

The digital menu features an interactive interface, designed to facilitate Internet browsing from a smartphone and highlight your dishes.

What's more, some digital menus, such as the Obypay QR Code menu, feature an integrated digital loyalty program for an even more personalized user experience.

You can also add a tabletop ordering and payment solution to save your customers even more time.

#2 Save time and improve efficiency

Something new to add to the menu? A daily special to highlight?

With digital menu, update your map in real timein just a few clicks. 

Some digital menu solutions also include a instant translation in several languages, so you don't even have to worry about translating your card.

Your team also has more time for table service. 

And it's even more powerful if you add a solution of tabletop orderingtable payment or a control terminal.

#3 Increase the bill without doing anything

The digital menu is designed to make suggestions to your customers as your waiters would. This way, you can showcase your new products or offer the dish of the day without the intervention of your team. 

Beautiful photos showcase your preparations and whet your customers' appetites.

And to further increase the average ticket, you can link your menu to your Obypay online loyalty program, allowing you to make personalized suggestions such as a dessert or drink at a preferential price. 

#4 Reinforce barrier gestures with the contactless menu

Thanks to the digital menu, you can reduce contact between your staff and customers and you limit the risk of airborne contamination

You'll also improve your hygiene measures by doing away with the printed menus that usually circulate from hand to hand. 

You can improve your brand image and communicate your commitment to the safety of your customers and employees.

#5 Save money

With the digital menu, you no longer need to print out paper menus and save on printing costs

You also gain in productivity, since your team no longer has to bring menus to the table. Optimize your organizationn and you can concentrate your waiters' efforts on preparing and serving the dishes. By complementing your digital menu with ordering and payment at tableYou'll reduce your employees' workload even further.

#6 Increase table rotation

With the digital menu, your customers no longer have to wait to consult your restaurant's menu. As a result, they can place their orders more quickly, and are served more quickly. If you add the order and pay-at-table solution, you speed up table service even further. You can serve more customers in the same amount of time as before, while improving the user experience: it's a real winning combo! Your waiters have more time to take care of each guest and improve customer relations.

Want to find out more? Visit a guide to increasing your restaurant's fill rate.

#7 Make your life easier

The digital menu is a huge help in simplifying your already busy daily life as a restaurateur. With just one click, you can change your menu, highlight your dish of the day, translate your menu, and remove out-of-stock items. You can even change your prices without it being noticeable: just don't take too much advantage. 

In the end, it's less hassle and more peace of mind.

How do you create a digital menu for your restaurant?

Creation is ultra-fast and takes just 4 easy steps (video tutorial here) :

  1. Enter all the products on your menu in the menu interface. If you already have your menu as an excel file, you can even create your items with a single click. Don't forget to add images to make your digital menu even more appetizing.
  2. Generate your QR Code in one click and print it out. If you wish, you can order customized QR Code holders with your restaurant's logo.
  3. Place your QR Code holders on the tables. You can also use the web link generated by the digital menu interface to make your menu available online on your website or social networks.
  4. Welcome your customers and explain in a few words how to access the menu.

And that's all there is to it!

Install your QR Code menu in a flash with the Obypay digital menu solution.

the future belongs to those who start early (especially at our side)

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